Lotte Delva

Lotte graduated in 2008 as Master in Chemical Engineering from the Catholic University in Leuven. In 2009 and 2010 she obtained the degrees Master in Insurance and Master in Actuarial & Financial Engineering, also from the Catholic University in Leuven.

She started her career in 2008 with Ernst & Young where she delivered actuarial audit support in financial and internal audits of pension funds and insurance companies, a.o. regarding the calculations of technical provisions. In 2014 she became manager in the actuarial consulting team at Ernst & Young where she was responsible for advising insurance companies on Solvency II related matters. As from the end of 2015 Lotte worked as internal actuary at an insurance company where she was responsible for the Solvency II calculations and reporting.

In 2017 Lotte joined Nexyan. At Nexyan she gained a broad experience in the employee benefit domain. She has worked on projects in various domains: IAS19 and USGAAP valuations, advise in case of changes to or launch of pension plans, actuarial valuations in the public sector, risk management function, actuarial function, internal audit of pension funds …

Lotte Delva is an effective member of the Institute of Actuaries in Belgium (IA|BE).
Lotte’s mother tongue is Dutch, she speaks French and English fluently.


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