Accounting coordination

IFRS or USGAAP ?A typical accounting coordination process would imply the following steps:

  • Identification of any potential “hidden” Defined Benefit plans
  • Preparation of a consistent set of assumptions around the world
  • Preparation of a timeline and valuation instructions for local actuaries
  • Collecting actuarial valuations results
  • Liaising with local actuaries to address technical issues
  • Running diagnostic checks on actuarial valuations
  • Allow for appropriate adjustments and resolve issues
  • Consolidate numbers
  • Prepare accounting disclosures
  • Help in the analysis and the interpretation of the consolidated results

Furthermore, we can also help you to identify any governance issues (Sarbanes Oxley), prepare forecasting scenarios,… in order to ensure that the process runs smoothly.

  • Ensure consistency between actuarial valuations prepared around the world
  • Help you to identify any governance issues
  • Give comfort in the quality of the process (Sarbanes Oxley)

For international issues, we can rely on our international network if needed.


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