Esofac Belgium becomes NEXYAN

Esofac Belgium started ten years ago as an independent actuarial and employee benefit consulting firm.

In the meantime, Esofac Belgium has established itself as a successful, efficient and independent consultant in the field of company sponsored employee benefits and pensions. Today we can confirm that Esofac Belgium is amongst the well known actuarial and retirement benefit advisors in Belgium.

With NEXYAN, our new name based on two important actuarial symbols (nEx and an), we wish to emphasize our position to the outside world. Using this new name, we want to continue to guide and advise our clients in a pension’s world that is changing rapidly.

While our name is changing, we will continue working closely with Esofac Luxembourg for benefit and pension consulting needed by our clients on the Luxembourg market and vice versa.

Anne Claes, Anne Thiry , Karen Vande Sype, Frédéric Compté, Jérôme Louis, Wim Windmolders, Saskia Lommelen and Benoît Terwagne.

NB: Our pension experts and actuaries remain during a short period reachable on their former email addresses. Their new addresses are obtained by replacing “” with “”. Our physical address and telephone numbers remain the same.


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